For School Children
Unique Self-Empowerment Skills
Whenever possible, children’s programs are best delivered to groups consisting of kids within a 2 to 3 year range of age. For example, more optimal results, each program will be tailored to best communicate with kids age 6-8, 7-9, 10-12, 11-13 and so on, ideally keeping within the age range listed for each topic. Exceptions can be made for special populations, and we can adapt the titles.
Magic Button Mindfulness
Book Reading & Workshop by Author
Ages 4 – 9
Growing up can be very confusing for undeveloped brains and stressful on little bodies. Recognizing, expressing and processing unpleasant feelings is an essential stress reliever! Even as adults, we all must be able to honor the full range of feelings in order to make important choices and behave at our best. This is a skill that is essential to mental, physical and spiritual well-being throughout our lives. My story book, Maven & the Magic Buttons, is a great way to teach kids emotional intelligence and more. In this fun and interactive class, I read my fully-illustrated story book which teaches kids to manage – and safely express – difficult feelings. Then we practice on our own “Magic Buttons” – kidspeak for deep breathing and a simplified version of the extremely popular and effective “EFT Tapping” technique. Since practice at home and at school is important, we recommend that teachers and/or parents attend if possible. If that’s not feasible, consider adding my adult version of the class in a separate time slot!
I Can Control This!
Ages 6 – 13
There’s not much that kids can control in their lives. This necessary fact can cause a variety of difficult emotions and feelings. If suppressed or repressed, these feelings can cause stress, negative self-image, and disruptive behavior.
Ironically, while we’re busy teaching kids to control themselves by “just saying no” to strangers, peer pressure, drugs, and other negative influences, they often losing more control over their lives (aka “getting punished”) for saying “no” to teachers and parents. This can create a downward spiral of feeling helpless, betrayed, useless and angry.
In this supportive, interactive class, kids learn and practice how to control their breathing in ways that help them feel relaxed yet energized and empowered. The breathing exercises also provide “invisible powers” to manage their thoughts and process difficult feelings whenever needed.
The result is an upward spiral of good feelings about themselves, rather than the downward spiral that often leads to bullying, vandalism, violence, drug abuse and sometimes even suicide. Since practice in a supportive environment at home and school is important, we recommend that teachers and/or parents attend if at all possible. Better yet, consider adding our adult version of the class in a separate time slot!
Tapping Into Self-Confidence
Ages 10 – 18
While we teach children to “just say no” to strangers, “bad touch”, peer pressure, and drugs, they often find themselves getting punished for crying, getting angry or just saying “no”. In a world that’s often confusing for undeveloped brains, and demanding of little bodies, expressing unpleasant feelings is an essential stress reliever! And even as adults, we all must be able to honor the full range of feelings in order to make important choices. This skill is essential to mental, physical and spiritual well-being throughout their entire lives. In this fun and interactive class, kids age 11 to 18, learn how to identify sad and angry feelings that are hiding out in their body/mind. We’ll then learn the proven techniques of EFT Tapping, an easy way for ‘tweens and teens to manage emotions and reduce pain, while increasing mindfulness and self-confidence, whenever they need a supportive boost.
Breathing into Your Super Powers
Ages 7-13
There’s not much that kids can control in their lives. This fact, combined with the barrage of violent, sexy, and contradictory messages delivered to kids via cell phones, T.V.s video games and movies, is a recipe for destructive emotions and feelings. If suppressed or left to fester, these feelings can lead to tremendous internal stress, destructive behaviors, unwanted pregnancy, and a downward spiral of feeling helpless, betrayed, useless and angry. In this supportive, interactive class, kids, age 7 – 13, learn about all the amazing feats that have been accomplished throughout the centuries, by yogis, healers, athletes, and warriors, all of whom practiced the art of controlling their breathing. Then the kids learn and practice how to expand and control their breathing in ways that reduce stress, process negative emotions, help them feel empowered to achieve their goals and embrace their passion to accomplish a unique mission.
Getting High Without Drugs
Ages 12 – 23
What does a brain look like after years of drug use? Pretty ugly! In this interactive workshop we will begin by looking at actual pictures of brain scans taken at the Amen Clinics, and discuss the many ways having a brain like that can ruin your life. Then we’ll explore the many valid reasons that kids (and adults!) often turn to legal and illegal drugs, as a way to feel better about themselves and stop thinking about painful circumstances. The intention here is to slow down the vicious cycle of guilt and self-loathing that often results from and leads to worse and worse levels of drug abuse. Finally, we’ll discover and experience powerful yet gentle breathing techniques and/or EFT Tapping (depending on length of program) that can resolve pent up negative emotions from the past and help us feel better than “high” in the present… without all the negative risks and expense of using drugs.
Tap into Your Best Test Scores
Ages 6 and up
Want your students to have that winning edge? When it comes to grammar school testing, SAT results, CLEP testing for college credit, or taking that professional exam, their ability to stay calm and focus will determine whether they’ll do their best… or not.
Unfortunately, one of the things kids don’t learn in many schools, is how to effectively calm themselves down and get into the “super-learning” state characterized by alpha brainwaves. It happens naturally when they’re sitting in front of a TV or video game! But if you want your kids or students to perform at their very best, when it counts most, it’s time to give them the most important training of their lives: How to manage their emotions and calm the nervous system.
This 2-session (45 minutes each) program will give students two powerful tools for doing just that. EFT Tapping and Deep Breathing techniques can also be used while studying for the exam, making the whole process easier, more enjoyable and more successful. It’s a win-win-win!
Transformational Breath® Experience
Ages 18 to 80 (13 & up, if accompanied by parent)
Not sure why you do the things you do? Especially the things you regret later? As children, from birth to about 6 years old, we all develop what I call a “Personal Operating System”, which is a set of rules and subconscious beliefs about ourselves and the world. Like the operating system in your computer, it can become outdated and unable to support your goals and desires as an adult. At the very core of this Personal Operating System are programs that decide how breathing is handled in various situations. Most of us learned to restrict our breathing in order to suppress feelings that were shamed by parents, teachers, clergy, other kids, etc.
Transformational Breath® is a process that lets us recognize and upgrade or delete those programs that control our breathing. patterns. It also helps to unload the negative programs (aka “emotional baggage”) that’s been stored in the body/mind since early childhood. With a series of group or private sessions, we become equipped to USE our breathing in a way that serves us powerfully. We become able to process emotions as they occur, thus preventing further restrictions in our breath and in our lives.