What people say about my presentation skills…
“Thank you, Lois, for your good work! The event today was extraordinary, and I so appreciate your gift. I hope I thanked you adequately, although I’m not sure because I was in somewhat of an “altered” state before leaving. It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope to see you again. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. It’s great work that you do.
~ Maureen Ramonas
“I got a LOT out of the [Transformational Breathing] exercise – thank you! I felt like I got a deep dive into my body and I loved it. I enjoyed the physical sensations of ALL of my chakras opening during the process, some were more open than others to begin with, but then they were all full blown open and I was able to express/discharge some grief and sadness. After that occurred my light body expanded way outside my body and my spirit guides, angels and light beings stepped in. This was my intention. I was inviting them to take over and it worked. I felt supreme joy and was vibrating at a very high level. I cried again but this time because I was overjoyed with love, peace and acceptance. I felt so naturally high afterwards that when I got up to walk I felt like I was 2 feet off the ground. It was an amazing and wonderful experience. Thank you Lois for providing the opportunity, the excellent setup beforehand, and your loving presence and assistance in my process. It was easy to receive and much appreciated.”
~ Maureen Ross Gemme, CEO
Emerge Leadership Academy LLC
“I found the workshop to be an excellent opportunity to release stored up emotion through crying and laughing. Lois’ introduction thoroughly explained the value of letting go of emotional pain and the disadvantages of suppressing it. I am very impressed with the theory and practice of Transformational Breathing® and believe it has benefits for everyone. Taught by Lois, it would be an excellent mind- and heart-opener for any workshop or retreat whose purpose was liberation from social conditioning and/or rigid thinking.”
~ Pam Maccabee, East Hartford, CT (RC practitioner)
“I want to thank you for your wonderful talk at the [University of Utah’s] Integrative Health & Resiliency Conference. We met briefly at Dr. Sonkens’ home – I was organizing in Nancy’s office when you stayed at their home. What you taught about how to speak the truth was brilliant! Everyone needs to know what you shared. I am going to share it with my 10 and 11 year old daughters. Imagine what a world this would be if we could speak the truth in a kind manner. Thank you for sharing of yourself. You have made a difference in my life.”
~ Ruth Hadlock, Salt Lake City, Utah www.StreamLinedSpace.com
Program: “The Truth that Sets Us Free… from Chronic Pain and Illness” March 2015
“That was wonderful. I am very proud of you. Your PowerPoint was the best at the conference.”
~ Dr. Jerry Sonkens, M.D., founder of HIARC, co-creator of the University of Utah’s
Integrative Health & Resiliency Conference
Program Title: Keynote: “The Truth that Sets Us Free… from Chronic Pain and Illness”
“What fun! You really got our stressed-out staff relaxed and laughing. I’m doing fine, because you helped me find the power/energy of breath and laughter.”
~ Zelphia Hunter – CT Behavioral Health Partnership
Program: “Laugh, Breathe and Live On Purpose”
– Micki Charton, Student Services
Middlesex Community College
Program: “Laugh, Breathe and Tap Into Your Brilliance”
“The workshop was an unbelievable experience. I had a major breakthrough. I gained so much, it can’t even compare to the price of the workshop. It’s like the Visa commercials – it was priceless. I have been in weekly therapy for 2 years, and I had more movement in the 7 hours we spent together… progress that I can see and feel deep inside. You are an amazing presenter with a gift of touching people. You’re great at what you do.”
~ A. Hoskins
Program: One-Day Workshop featuring Transformational Breath® & EFT
“Thank you once again for the excellent workshop. You are a remarkable source of light for everyone who is fortunate to meet you!”
~ Patrick Conlon, Healer
Program: Transformational Breath® Workshop
“What a beautiful, beautiful learning experience! Transformational Breathing® is a simple approach, tapping into intricate interaction of mind, body and spirit, while it enhances our innate healing power. If you want to transform your life, I recommend Lois Grasso’s classes and private sessions to you… for the Greater Good.”
~ Nancy Geysen, The Guild of CT
Program: An Evening of Transformational Breathing® at The Guild of CT
“Just wanted to say thanks again. The workshop was a delightful experience for me.”
~ Allyson Gillette
Program: Transformational Breath® Workshop
“What a wonderful job done. Every one of the participants enjoyed the trip. They had the best, now there is no looking back. I admire your work and wish in the near future to take more courses.
~ Eric Lee, South Cove Community Health Center, Boston, MA
Program: Private group retreat with 30 Asian-American patients who had histories of Traumatic Brain Injury (aka TBI )
“You are one of those teachers that comes into a person’s life and changes them in a way they didn’t know they could change. I can’t thank you enough!”
~ Lindsay S., cancer survivor
Program: Week-long “Transformational Vacational” in Negril, Jamaica