EFT / Tapping
EFT / Tapping is an “Emotional Freedom Technique” that is becoming one of the most widely respected Energy Psychology healing modalities available. It is extremely fast and useful for relieving pain – both emotional and physical – and reprogramming the subconscious mind.
Based on principles of Acupuncture, EFT requires no needles and can be done anytime, anywhere, for fast relief of virtually any kind of discomfort.
A skilled and talented practitioner is usually necessary for uncovering the unwanted subconscious programs – that keep you stuck in drama and difficulty. Together we can change these deep-seated cognitive structures to be consistent with your conscious desires.
Here’s how EFT works: When current thoughts or events trigger negative thought patterns from the past, you might say that a “short-circuit” occurs in your energy flow. This leads to physical and/or emotional discomfort, such as:
- Chronic Pain
- Anxiety / Panic
- Stress
- Illness
- Broken heart
- Phobia
- Cravings
- Insomnia
- Obsessions
- Depression
- Headaches
- Poor performance
EFT overrides the “short circuit” that causes the discomfort and eliminates the disruption in the flow of energy through your entire system. It can even help serious injuries and illnesses to heal!
“Without question, EFT has been the most valuable tool I’ve ever learned in clinical medicine. If I could only keep one tool, it would have to be EFT”.
~ Joseph Mercola, MD
Like acupuncture, EFT involves the stimulation of key acu-points, but we do it by tapping on those points, instead of inserting needles. It is also important that we focus on visual and verbal cues, while tapping, which helps to direct and re-balance energy flow as it re-patterns neural pathways in the brain.
Healing occurs rapidly and, often, enjoyably.
I’ve learned how to also use EFT for the deeper work of uncovering and updating outdated “survival programs” that cause self-sabotage via what I call the “personal operating system”. This approach can establish a level of self-acceptance necessary to move forward to the next level of self-awareness, so you can change your life to be the way you want it to be.
Click here to learn more about the subconscious mind from cell biologist Bruce Lipton.
Much like the Windows or Mac OSX operating system that is constantly running, behind the scenes, on your computer, elaborate programs (aka “cognitive structures”) are constantly operating in your subconscious mind. And it well understood that the subconscious mind is far more powerful than the conscious mind.
Ever try running the latest software on an outdated version of Windows? Crash, frustration, failure… right?
We all know about updating our computers, but most people aren’t even aware of their own “personal operating system,” which has been developing since birth. So, even as capable adults, we remain restricted by the limited capabilities of old programs designed by, and for, a very young child! This is why people tend to marry people who are like their mothers or fathers.
EFT is an excellent tool which lets us tap into your subconscious memory bank to reprogram yourself to achieve your desired goals, instead of staying locked in to the prison of early childhood demands.
Private sessions are available by Video Call or in-person (East Hartford, CT). Group sessions are available via public and private workshops.
Please call to inquire: 860-796-1480.